march, 2019
Event Details
Looking at the Commedia del'arte tradition and finding fresh permutations on the great comedic constructs. Over the years I have collected a bevy of scene conceits that can be improvised
Event Details
Looking at the Commedia del’arte tradition and finding fresh permutations on the great comedic constructs. Over the years I have collected a bevy of scene conceits that can be improvised over and over with a side effect of building skills of timing, problem solving, character clarity and witness work. This course will take a journey through these conceits and do team creation exercises to discover the groups own/new lazzis will also be used to see if we find our own new classic.
Participation fee: €35 for 3h of workshop.
Basic improv experience is required.
Maximum 12 participants.
Andrew Hefler is a performer, director, trainer working in theatre, music, film and television for nearly thirty years. He was first introduced to Improvisational theatre at the age of 10 in grade school in Los Angeles. Since then he has worked with theatre groups in the US, Canada, Europe and since 1994 in his homebase of Budapest. He was a founding member of the experimental impro trio Scalabouche and later he founded Grund Theatre in 2008 developing a company and training methods for actors and shows for performance.
(Friday) 19:00 - 22:00
't Werkhuys
Zegelstraat 13, 2140 Borgerhout